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4/4 bpm 173

Vira Kushnir

years old,
London, originaly from Dnipro, Ukraine

4/4 bpm 173
(Time signature and rhythm of the first song I learned to play on drums)

While drums are often associated with anger, energy, and noise by many, in reality, they can convey a variety of emotions. They often make me sad or they can help to concentrate or, on the contrary, work as a distraction. They are my way of expressing feelings. When I put on headphones and listen to the rhythm it can change my day completely either calming me down or, on the contrary, helping me release my emotions. Music is a safe place for me.

Furthermore, music played a vital role in introducing me to incredible people when I first moved to Kyiv without knowing anyone. I cannot even imagine my life now without them. I deeply admire those who integrate their emotions into their craft, expressing themselves through music even without lyrics.

My project explores the emotions that music can evoke and the effect it has on people around me.

“For me, music was a boring and routine subject in music school. But it changed when I got to know Ukrainian alternative artists like Melovin or Schmalgauzen. They inspired me to consider music not as just another subject, but as a way of expressing emotions.”
Elya, 15

“Some time ago, I eagerly wanted to get pregnant, but I couldn't. I was very sad. And because of this suffer, I was drawn to classical music. Music is like the singing of the soul; it is an inner call, inspiration. For example, Vivaldi created such a deep impulse that still resonates throughout the centuries with millions of people. Why? Because it was from the heart.”
Yuliia, 41

“Musicians inspire me because they show that you can live the way you want and create something cool. They are inspired by the culture of their nation and develop in their work no matter what. I admire them. A lot of my memories are always associated with artists and songs."
Adriana, 14

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